Tuesday, February 7, 2012

First Post/Intros/What do YOU want from me?

Thanks for finding your way over to my little corner! I'm brand new to public blogging, so be a little patient while I attempt to get into the swing of things.

For those of you that have no clue who I am, hello! I'm Stacey. I'm 39 years old and I live in Southern CA. I'm married to the best guy in the world and I'm the mother to three absolutely gorgeous little girls- Brittany (23), Maisy (4) & Charlotte (11 months).

I've worked in the fashion industry for the past 17 years, but my true passion lies with fitness & nutrition, hence the reason behind this blog. I pride myself on leading the healthiest lifestyle possible (while not limiting myself- believe me, it's not a myth!) as well as keeping physically fit and active. Looking good takes work, commitment, but it DOESN'T have to take a ton of time, despite the rumors.

I have a pretty well-rounded interest in all things fitness, so there's no one direction I plan to take this blog. I'd actually prefer to know what YOU want to know about. Some of the things I routinely partake in are yoga, kickboxing, spinning, pilates, zumba, bosu, bootcamp, core training, pole dancing, strength training....and that's honestly just the tip of the iceberg. I'm here to help- tips suggestions, motivation, things I wish I had been told, all the best fitness fashion (you know I had to go there!).

I look forward to your feedback!



  1. What do you like to do to drop a few pounds? I know you like to run. Do you do weights too? I have a bridesmaid dress to fit into in November and would like to lose 5-10 lbs!

  2. I don't know why this only identified me as V....it's Victoria, just in case you were wondering who this was, haha :)
